
In this section we will go over all the steps needed to develop against the Resgrid solution.

Prerequisites & Dependencies

The following server dependencies need to be installed, configured and functional:


Please ensure your Windows system is up to date with all Windows and Microsoft updates before installing the Resgrid System.


If your not running a Professional (Pro) version of Windows you may not be able to install Docker for Windows Desktop. You will get an error opening up the ResgridCore solution with Visual Studio but your can just unlock the docker project under the Docker solution folder.

Getting the Code

You can download the Resgrid Core source from our GitHub page Resgrid Core Github.

Opening in Visual Studio

Open the ResgridCore.sln file in your version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. You will be prompted by a “Security Warning” dialog box, you can confirm for every project, but if you uncheck “Ask me for every project in this solution” you only need to be prompted once.

If you get an error opening the solution up Visual Studio this could be because you don’t have Docker installed (it can’t be installed on all versions of Windows) so you can expand the Docker folder in the Solution Explorer right click “docker-compose” and click “Unload Project”. This will allow you to open and compile the solution without any error. If you do have Docker installed on your computer, ensure that it’s running.

Open up the Web folder in the “Solution Explorer” and right click the “Resgrid.WebCore” project and select “Set as Startup Project”. This will mean that when you run or debug the solution a web browser will open up defaulting you to the Web project.

Restoring Dependencies

Once you have the solution open correctly you need to download all the dependencies for the project. Right click the “ResgridCore” solution and click “Restore Nuget Packages”, this will download all the .Net dependencies for the solution.

Next you need to restore the bower and npm dependencies for the Resgrid.WebCore project. Expand the Web folder in the “Solution Explorer” and expand the “Resgrid.WebCore” project, At the root of that project there are 2 files; bower.json and package.json that we will be working with. Right click “bower.json” and select “Restore Packages” this will download all the bower dependencies. Next right click “package.json” and select “Restore Packages”.



Solution Folders
Folder Description
Common Contains common files that may be included in other projects, like the AssemblyInfo file
Core Central libraries utilized throughout the system
Docker Projects related to setting up and managing Docker
Documentation Notes and Documentation
Providers High level external integrations, like Geolocation or Text Messaging
Repositories Data Storage Repo
Tests Unit and Integration Tests
Tools Non-Web UI tools and applications
Web The main applications, the web application and the services (api) application
Workers Backend workers


Solution Projects
Project Description
Resgrid.Config Primary system configuration options controlling the entire system
Resgrid.Framework Shared helpers and common functions, like error logging that are used in every layer
Resgrid.Model Data model objects, event objects, interfaces for servicesproviders and system metadata, like enumerations.
Resgrid.Services Business logic layer services, both discrete and composite
Resgrid.Providers.AddressVerification External address verification providers
Resgrid.Providers.Audio External audio manipulation providers
Resgrid.Providers.Bus Azure Service Bus and System Eventing
Resgrid.Providers.Bus.Rabbit RabbitMQ bus provider
Resgrid.Providers.Cache Redis and Internal (In Memory) caching provider
Resgrid.Providers.Claims Rights and Claims system for the Web Application
Resgrid.Providers.EmailProvider External email providers (Postmark)
Resgrid.Providers.Firebase Firebase external provider used for the real-time database (Chatting)
Resgrid.Providers.GeoProvider Geolocation provider for getting Latitude and Longitude for Addresses and vice versa
Resgrid.Providers.Marketing External provider for working with an email marking system
Resgrid.Providers.NumberProvider Number, SMSMMS provider (Twilio and Nexemo)
Resgrid.Providers.PdfProvider External PDF integration provider
Resgrid.Providers.AddressVerification Address verification, testing if address are correct
Resgrid.Repositories.DataRepository Primary Data Store, SQL Server both Entity Framework and Dapper
Resgrid.Tests Unit Testing
Resgrid.Console CLI Application for interacting with the Resgrid system
Resgrid.Web.Services RESTful APIs (Services)
Resgrid.WebCore Primary Web Application (User InterfaceWebsite) that users will interact with
Resgrid.Workers.Console CLI Application that needs to be running at all times, contains back end workers for the Message Bus
Resgrid.Workers.Framework Logic for the async workers that the Workers.Console runsmonitors